Crystals and 11:11

Meaning of 11:11

11:11 holds a special place as an angelic number, a gentle nudge from the Universe that you're exactly where you need to be.

Before diving into the adventure of building my own brand, I was navigating a different career path. Deep down, I knew there was something more aligned with my purpose waiting for me. During moments of uncertainty, I found solace in spirituality. And it seemed that whenever I was immersed in what I truly loved – crafting this brand – I'd glance at the clock and see 11:11 smiling back at me.

For me, spirituality isn't about handing over decisions to outside symbols. It's about using those little nudges from the Universe as mirrors for self-reflection. It's about discovering the answers that already reside within us.

That's why we chose to add 11:11 onto our products – not just as a symbol of protection, but as a reminder to trust your unique journey and embrace what resonates deeply with you. 🦋

Crystals and their properties

Our jewelry is adorned with crystals, each carefully sourced and selected by our partner artisans from India. Each crystal is meticulously selected for its unique energetic properties, and serves as more than just a decorative adornment - it becomes a conduit for personal transformation and healing through lithotherapy.

Lithotherapy is a holistic practice that harnesses the energy of crystals to promote well-being and balance. Dating back centuries, this ancient practice is rooted in the belief that each crystal carries its own unique energy and properties, which can be utilized to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances within the body. Advocates of lithotherapy suggest that by placing specific crystals on or around the body, one can stimulate healing, enhance mental clarity, and restore harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.

Below you will find information about the properties of each crystal:

Amethyst: Planet: Saturn. Sign: Pisces. Chakra: Third eye chakra.

Encourages sleep and rest, boosts the immune system, alleviates stress and headaches, improves blood circulation, connection to the divine.

Blue apatite: Planet: Mercury. Sign: Libra. Chakra: Throat chakra.

Clears away confusion and negativity, helps with public speaking, stimulates the intellect, cleanses the aura.

Garnet: Planet: Saturn. Sign: Capricorn. Chakra: Root chakra.

Promotes strength and fortitude, encourages releasing old patterns and beliefs, strengthens creative energy, purifies fear and limitations.

Labradorite: Planet: Uranus. Sign: Aquarius. Chakra: Third eye chakra.

Increases self-awareness, crystal of protection, clears feelings of unworthiness and negative self-talk, repels evil, promotes intuition.

Moonstone: Planet: Moon. Sign: Cancer. Chakra: Crown chakra.

Enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, attracts success and good fortune in love and business matters, promotes acceptance of love.

Peridot: Planet: Mercury. Sign: Leo. Chakra: Heart chakra.

Enhances spiritual growth, forgiveness and compassion, healing from past traumas, solves issues with the digestive system.

Rose quartz: Planet: Venus. Sign: Taurus. Chakra: Heart chakra.

Awakens the heart to unconditional love, strengthens relationships, relieves fears and tensions, brings feelings of comfort, amplifies effects of compatible crystals.

White topaz: Planet: Venus. Sign: Sagittarius. Chakra: Crown chakra.

Brings mental clarity and focus, clears the mind in times of stress, restores vitality and life force, brings appreciation for beauty in all aspects of life.

Blue topaz: Planet: Jupiter. Sign: Sagittarius. Chakra: Throat chakra.

Promotes communication and mental clarity, fosters confidence and inner balance, attracts abundance, prosperity and new opportunities.

Pink tourmaline: Planet: Venus. Sign: Libra. Chakra: Heart chakra.

Promotes love, compassion, emotional healing and self love, calms emotions, alleviates depression, restores connection with the inner child.


Do not forget to cleanse and recharge your crystals to ensure their properties are preserved and recharged.

The information on this page is purely informative and does not constitute advice of any kind.